
Patricia Pediatrician & adolescent medicine doctor
Tell us about yourself

I am a full time pediatrician and adolescent medicine doctor in White Plains, NY. I have been in practice for 26 years, and I am dedicated to serve my patients and my community. I am energetic, in love with my profession, passionate about nutrition and a healthy lifestyle.

I was born in Colombia, grew up in Venezuela and lived in Mexico for several years. I speak Spanish, French and English. My hobbies are traveling the world, farm to table cuisine, and exercise.

I live a spiritual life by practicing buddhism and daily meditation which I integrate in my daily life. I am also the proud mother of a 26 year old daughter Alexandra, and I live with my husband and 2 incredibly smart german shepherds.

I am energetic, in love with my profession, passionate about nutrition and a healthy lifestyle.
What is your favorite ecru style?

The Varick is the perfect pant for me. Why? because it dresses me up and dresses me down according to the occasion, so it is multifaceted. It also fits me the best. I do not have much of a derriere, and the detail in the back “fake pockets” enhances my curves or more likely “creates” a curve for me.

What do you love about ecru?

I love ecru for several reasons: material, fit, colors and price. My Varick pants, layered T-shirts (I love them), Suede tops (in the winter-I always get compliments) and the most gorgeous silk flowery dressy shirt that comes with a black camisole and closes in the back with a tiny button. It is delicate, feminine and timeless.

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